Some symptoms of witchcrafts:

  • A brilliant student not able to pass examinations, whereas the less brilliant ones are passing the same exam. This is the work of destiny killers.
  • Difficulty getting into higher education or apprenticeship while others in a similar background are getting them. The work of destiny killers.
  • Problems getting a job after education or training. The work of destiny killers.
  • Having problems in your business or job while others in the same field or occupation are thriving while you are on the standstill. The work of the dream killers.
  • When the children are so delinquent and are not able to do or understand anything. The work of envious relatives.
  • Where you have many children in the family and they are not able to get married, particularly the girls. Handwork of the enemies.
  • A situation where a person works or does business and is always broke when in fact he is making money. Devouring spirit, work of the enemies.
  • When a person gets sick or unwell when is time to go to interview or exams.
  • Sudden or untimely death through accidents or some other useless viruses. Work of the enemies.
  • Miscarriages and delays in conceptions. Work of the enemies,
  • Late marriages particularly among the men. Work of the enemies.
  • Children dying young. Work of the enemies.
  • Confusion, delays and going in circles in life. Work of the enemies.
  • No promotion in life even at work. Work of the enemies.
  • No favour. Work of the enemies.
  • You cannot go to church to seek solutions. Work of the enemies.
  • Attacks in your dreams.

You may ask why are they doing this to me and what have I done to deserve this?  You do not have to do them anything.  It is in their nature to be wicked and do evil.  It is not that they cannot change, they can repent and change.  Most of them are driven by jealousy and envy, whereas, in some people, it is their nature. They do not want to see anything good in anybody.  “These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. “  Psalm 58:3 (NLT).

Now you may ask again, who could be doing this to me?   It can be anybody who is jealous of you or has an evil mind against you and any.  John 10:10 says “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”  These people are agents of the satan, and their mission is just to steal, kill and destroy.  They are happy to accomplish their evil mandates and see others crying.  They could be your relatives particularly, the uncles and aunties.  These are people you pay their hospital bills, buy things for their families, pay school fees for their children.  Give your hard-earned money.  Mind you, they do not use most of the money or things which you gave to them but used them for witchcraft as a contact point to kill or hurt you and your family.   Some mothers-in-law are not exonerated but father-in-laws hardly had time for this type of nonsense except those who are witches by nature.